Distinctive Features of Negative Ideologies

Negative ideologies postulate the absolute truth of their dogmas. From this fact  further criteria can be deduced inevitably:

  • Dogmatism
  • Guidelines
  • Unconditional allegiance
  • Fight against dissenters
  • The end justifies the means



Important theses are put down in writing and are then regarded as sacrosanct and not debatable any more. There is a striking difference to positive ideologies and to scientific theses: These can be discussed and also be modified or revised, if they prove partly or totally faulty.



Based on theses, which claim to be absolutely true, guidelines for the followers of the ideology can be derived, which are valid for present and future actions. Thus these theses ought to be finally helped to their breakthrough.


Unconditional allegiance

Strict realisation of the guidelines is only possible with unconditional allegiance to a tight leadership. The Nazis called this system the “Führerstaat”.


Fight against dissenters

Human beings fighting “absolute truths” have either a lack of understanding or are definitely obstinate. It is therefore logical. that dissenters among the followers as well as external ones, have to be fiercely fought against.


The end justifies the means

It must be clear, that a fight like this cannot take into account small-minded sentimentalities such as human- or basic rights, since it defends the “absolute truth”.






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